We charge shipping fees for addresses within the UK as follows:
paintings up to approx 5kg, £20
paintings over approx 5kg, £25
ceramics and smaller items, £15
larger items £20
For items which are particularly large, heavy or fragile, the shipping costs may be more.
We have shipped pieces all over the world, so please get in touch for a delivery quote if you are not in the UK. Any import duties, taxes or fees will be the responsibility of the buyer. We would advise you to check with your local customs office before making a purchase if you are unsure which, if any, such amounts may be due.
We usually ship once a week on a 24 or 48 hour tracked service, but please allow up to 14 days for delivery. If you would like a piece sooner, please contact us.
We use recycled packaging, and reuse packaging, wherever we can.
Exchanges and returns
All pieces we sell have, unless otherwise stated, had a previous life. They may be vintage or antique, or of unknown age or provenance and their condition will reflect this.
We always try and give a clear and accurate representation of pieces in any written description and accompanying photographs. Please look at these carefully before purchasing and if you have any questions please get in touch.
If you are not happy with your piece, please let us know as soon as possible and in any event within seven days of receiving it and, upon return of the piece to us (at your own cost) in the condition in which you received it, we will refund the full amount less any shipping costs.